Whether it’s due to their anatomical complexity or their tendency to be overshadowed by larger muscle groups, certain muscles often require special attention and unique exercises to ensure they get the workout they need. After all, most of us have specific goals when looking to tone up and sculpt our physique, you might want to build bigger biceps, sculpted abs, or toned legs. Let’s explore why some muscles take time to see results below.
The Calves
Buying steroids in Canada (or anywhere for that matter) can accelerate muscle growth, but the calves are notorious for being one of the hardest muscles to develop. This is because they are primarily made up of slow twitch muscles which are more resistant to hypertrophy compared to fast-twitch fibres found in muscles like the chest or biceps. Additionally, the calf muscles are used to being worked throughout the day by activities like walking and standing, which can make it challenging to stimulate significant growth during workouts.
To effectively target the calves, it’s essential to incorporate a variety of exercises that focus on both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. This includes exercises like calf raises, both standing and seated, as well as exercises that involve dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot. Additionally, incorporating techniques like drop sets and slow eccentrics can help to increase the intensity of calf workouts and promote muscle growth.
The Forearms
While the forearms play a crucial role in many upper body exercises, they are often overshadowed by larger muscle groups like the biceps and triceps. This can make it challenging to effectively target and develop the forearm muscles, leading to imbalances and potential weaknesses in grip strength.
To target the forearms effectively, it’s important to incorporate exercises that involve wrist flexion, extension, and radial/ulnar deviation. This includes exercises like wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and farmer’s walks. Additionally, using grip strength trainers or performing exercises with thick-handled implements can help to further challenge the forearm muscles and promote growth.
The Rear Deltoids
The rear deltoids, or posterior deltoids, are often neglected in favor of the more prominent front and side deltoid muscles. However, developing strong rear delts is crucial for shoulder stability and overall shoulder aesthetics. Targeting the rear delts can be challenging because many shoulder exercises primarily focus on the front and side delts, leaving the rear delts under-stimulated.
To effectively target the rear delts, it’s important to incorporate exercises that isolate this muscle group, such as reverse flyes, face pulls, and rear delt raises. Additionally, focusing on proper form and mind-muscle connection can help to ensure that the rear delts are being adequately activated during exercises.
Buying steroids can accelerate muscle growth, but it comes with health risks and legal implications. That’s why it’s also essential to prioritise safe and natural methods of muscle development, including proper nutrition, adequate rest, and consistent training.
In conclusion, targeting certain muscles during a workout can be more challenging than others, but with the right approach and dedication, it’s possible to effectively train even the most stubborn muscle groups. By incorporating a variety of exercises, focusing on proper form, and avoiding shortcuts like steroids, you can achieve balanced muscle development and reach your fitness goals safely and effectively.

Beth is Cloudmineinc’s senior health editor and a certified personal trainer. She has over 10 years experience as a science journalist and is the author of two books. She deadlifts over 315 lbs.