Most people know facts about hangover and what it is. Even if they’ve never experienced one, they know what they look like. They’re also probably familiar with the unpleasant feelings that accompany this condition.
In this article, we’ll discuss myths and facts about hangover that the average person should know.
#1. Drinking Water is the Only Way to Recover from a Hangover
It’s true that drinking water the day after you overindulge is a great way to rehydrate yourself and get you feeling better. However, that’s not the only way to replenish the liquids your body needs.
You can also do something like in-home IV therapy. This is a way for you to replenish the liquids your body needs after you have dehydrated yourself. However, since most people don’t have access to this option, drinking water and other liquids containing electrolytes is usually the more sensible choice.
#2. Only Certain Alcohols Produce Hangovers
Some drinkers maintain that only particular kinds of alcohol, like hard liquor, can give you a hangover. The reality is that any type of alcohol can give you a hangover if you drink enough of it. That is true for beer, liquor, cocktails, or any other form of alcohol you might name.
#3. A Little Hair of the Dog Won’t Hurt You
A little “hair of the dog,” meaning you take a drink of alcohol when you have a hangover to take the edge off, might provide some temporary relief. However, it’s usually a bad idea. If you start to rely on drinking alcohol to make you feel better after you’ve been on a bender, that’s a slippery slope toward alcoholism.
#4. Various Concoctions Can Help with a Hangover
There are all kinds of cures or tonics that people swear by to help you get over a hangover, including lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, and many stranger ingredients than that. However, these home remedies rarely work. Usually, rehydrating and giving yourself time to recover are the most foolproof plans.
#5. Some People Are Incapable of Getting Hangovers
Some individuals might brag that they have never had a hangover in their life or that it’s impossible for them to have one. There’s no human alive who is incapable of getting a hangover. Even if someone who overindulges has a high tolerance or they’re a seasoned drinker, if they drink too much, a hangover is always possible.
#6. A Pain Reliever Before Bed is a Good Idea
In reality, taking a pain reliever like Aspirin or Tylenol before bed if you’ve been drinking heavily can be quite harmful. Doing so can hurt your stomach and liver.
#7. Liquor Before Beer, You’re in the Clear
This rhymes, but it’s seldom true. While switching from more potent alcohol to less potent alcohol throughout an evening might be a good idea, it doesn’t mean it’s not still possible to get a hangover this way.
#8. A Greasy Meal is a Cure-All
Eating a big, greasy meal the morning after you’ve indulged too much can upset your stomach a lot more than you might realize.
Beth is Cloudmineinc’s senior health editor and a certified personal trainer. She has over 10 years experience as a science journalist and is the author of two books. She deadlifts over 315 lbs.